Florida's Most Beautiful And Historic Plantation: Roosevelt Gardens
It is one of Florida’s most beautiful and historic plantations in Roosevelt Gardens. This plantation, located in the northern part of the state, dates back to 1883 when Thomas Edison first established it as a winter vacation home for himself and his family. The gardens have been open to the public since 1984 with an admission fee that includes access to all areas of this historical landmark. The tour leads you through acres of lush tropical plants, fruit trees, vegetable patches, and pastures full of cows, horses, sheep, and chickens, where you can see how people lived on these large estates during the 1800s. Many buildings on-site, including a one-room schoolhouse that served children from neighboring farms until 1948. Learn more here.

Roosevelt Garden is a wealthy, historic plantation located in Palm Beach. It is known for its beautiful grounds, and lush gardens with over 300 plants, including citrus trees originally brought up from the Caribbean by early Spanish explorers. Visitors can take tours at Roosevelt Gardens or enjoy unique surroundings unlike any other place in Florida. This place is also famous for its history as it has hosted prominent guests such as Eleanor Roosevelt and Nelson Mandela. Learn more about Southwest Ranches, Florida: Picturesque Destinations.